Monday, April 14, 2014

Guess what the GOP forgot?

It's very distressing to see how the Republicans are trying to suppress the vote. They are busy trying to pass laws that require more stringent voted i.d. They say it is to prevent voter fraud, a crime so rare as to be almost non-existent. We know their goal. To keep as many low-income Democrats away from the polls as possible because they are rightly afraid of losing the next election. But there's one thing I don't think they took into account. And that is the enormous number of poor and middle-class voters who erroneously believe that they are Republicans. These people will have just as much trouble at the polls as the Democrats who are under attack. I think party leaders would be astonished at how many people who are philosophically and economically Democrats at heart foolishly believe they are Republicans because that's what they've been told. And believing it, they vote for the GOP and against their own best interests.  My sister was one of them. She swore she was a Republican while she collected food stamps, had assisted housing, and depended on many of the most liberal programs in her community. There are millions like her and if the Republican party is successful in their voter suppression plans, these people will be just as affected as Democrats.

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