Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The puff of the Huff.

Once again The Huffington Post has gone off half-cocked with an incomplete, and I find, suspicious story. In it, they point out that Chelsea Clinton is making big money with speaking fees. While not in the league of her parents she makes upwards of $75,000 per engagement and does many free events. They add that she donates all the money to the Clinton Foundation and slyly comment that, "The speaking circuit has proven a lucrative income source for the Clintons. Bill Clinton, who began give paid speeches shortly after leaving the White House in 2001, has earned upwards of $100 million for his speaking engagements.  Hillary Clinton followed suit after leaving the State Department in 2013 and is reported to make over $200,000 per speech." While Huffington reports  that much of they money they earn is donated to the Clinton Foundation, they do not make it clear how important a charity that is. The foundation's statement is, "We convene businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for women and girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth and help communities address the effects of climate change."  Either HuffPost doesn't know how to complete a story or they wanted to suggest that all that money went into the Clintons' pockets.

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