Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dirty clothing.

If the GOP was looking for a final nail in its coffin, I think they have it. By proclaiming to the nation that they Miss George W, and even producing a t-shirt to that effect they have admitted how little intelligence they have. All over America there are families, Republicans and Democrats, who are missing men and woman they loved because of George W's arrogance and deceit. And what better time than the Fourth of July to be reminded of that loss in their lives, when families get together around a theme called patriotism?  Yes, their loved ones were patriots, but the G.W. wasn't and he used their love of country to goad them into marching into a death trap, all for his ego. Even today he says he has no regrets, nor does his accomplice in murder, Dick Cheney. How can you have no regrets about sending thousands of Americans to die for a false war that you knew was false? Men like that should be hanged, or, at the very least exiled like Napoleon and kept from communicating with decent people. But the Republicans don't see it that way. They also have no regrets, no remorse. Instead they have produced a t-shirt telling America that they miss George W. And hopefully that admission will close doors to them everywhere they go.

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