Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Put your money where your mouth is.

Now that these buffer zones have fallen at abortion clinics across the country, more and more woman will be afraid to have abortions. So here's what I'd like to see. Persons outside the clinic collecting money for all the babies that the mothers really couldn't afford to have, but are being forced to give birth to by these supposedly "caring"people. If they care that much, let them prove it with a generous donation to aid the babies they "saved". My guess is you will find that these arrogant, sanctimonious hypocrites will not be willing to part with any significant amount of money. These are insignificant losers who have found the one cause where they can feel superior. I suspect many of them couldn't care less about saving an infant's life so much as being part of a protest and venting the vitriol they feel in what they consider to be a noble outlet for their hate.

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