Saturday, July 5, 2014

23 Amazing Things America Would Be Missing Without Queer People

This is headline for another moronic HuffPost article. I don't know how so many misguided people got it into their heads that "queer" is an acceptable synonym for "gay". It isn't. In fact to many of us it is every bit as offensive as the "n" word. Among the definitions of the word "queer" are: odd, strange, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, freakish, eerie and unnatural. I, for one, do not consider myself to be any of those words. I appreciate that a lot of self-loathing homosexuals are very comfortable calling themselves queer as well as faggot, fairy, fruit and even more offensive terms. It is no different from the black man who verbally vilifies himself.  Individuals can call themselves that they like. But the word queer as applied to all gay men and woman should be not be used and can never be considered as anything but insulting and deprecating.

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