Friday, July 26, 2013

Let us now praise fatuous men.

If anybody regularly reads my blog (I hope) they will know by now that I have very little respect for the network news. It seems to be it is a honey pot for mostly attractive, highly overrated, obscenely overpaid and incredibly lazy commentators. With few exceptions—like the war correspondents—these people are more worried about their hair and makeup than trying to explain the world's latest developments to their viewers. In fact, in most cases, they think the world's latest developments are Lady Gaga's latest gig, who won the Lottery, and which movie made the most money over the weekend—in short, any story that doesn't require research and any kind of specialized intelligence. But of all the idiocies of which the media are guilty, I think the worst is giving fame and significance to irrelevant persons. Today, for instance, they quoted Ted Nugent, a cipher in both the political and entertainment world. Apparently he said, in his charming racist manner,"If a Dalmatian has been biting children in the neighborhood, I think we're going to look for a black-and-white dog." Now what would possess any news medium to quote such an unnecessary comment for such a worthless person? Nothing. Except to create anger or hatred. Ted Nugent is a man of absolutely no value or character. Yet, he—along with other equally superfluous idiots—is assured by the lazy, indiscriminate media of being quoted no matter what insane thing he says  Tell me there isn't something wrong about that, Diane and George and Brian, etc.

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