Sunday, July 14, 2013

Justice denied in Sanford.

A pox on George Zimmerman, on his lying parents, on his opportunistic brother, on his amoral lawyers, on every biased member of his jury, on the corrupt Sanford police department, and on every bigot who was rooting for the release of this ruthless killer. Justice was not done, despite O'Mara's bragging and preening and suggesting that there was evidence enough to release Zimmerman. There wasn't. The fact remains an innocent boy was walking home from the store, was profiled by a bigoted wanna be cop bully, followed, accosted and shot through the heart. And now that that gorilla is released the media is asking the African-American community to overlook the injustice, don't make make trouble, swallow your pride, forget your anger, make the lives of White America as peaceful as possible. Let George go about his life, making a fortune on his lies, being home with his family while those who loved Trayvon continue to mourn for him. Much of white and black America as sad today knowing that justice was denied in Florida and that a killer is walking free, paying no price for his soulless crime. I have already received stunned responses from friends in Boston, L.A. and England.

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