Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"You're nothing but pack of cards."

This insane Zimmerman trial continues. And it continues to mystify me. Why are we having a trial?Why do we have to decide whether Zimmerman was right in killing Trayvon Martin, whether he acted in self-defense. Martin wasn't guilty of anything. If Zimmerman acted in self-defense, it's because he engaged an innocent Trayvon Martin in an unnecessary scuffle borne out of Zimmerman's own ego. And once he started that needless argument, Trayvon naturally fought back so George killed him.  If I engaged an innocent person on the street in an argument and during the fight I picked I killed that person, I would expect to be indicted for murder, not to have a trial to determine whether I was right to kill this innocent person because when I went up against them, they had the nerve to fight back. Watching these lawyers defend this fat, sullen, bully is weirder than watching the trial in Alice in Wonderland.

A newscaster just commented that when Zimmerman was told by the police that the entire episode was videotaped, he was elated. This suggest to this reporter  that Zimmerman must be innocent to feel such joy at knowing the entire event was on tape. My belief is that Zimmerman was familiar with the neighborhood and, being a cop wannabee, he knew some of the tricks they pull. He surely knew there were no cameras in that area. Ergo: He was pretending to be elated, hoping that this would make him appear more innocent later on, which obviously it did to some naive people. I think what happened was even uglier than this trail reveals and that Zimmerman created his own injuries

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