Thursday, July 18, 2013

"I'm not a racist. I just think like one."


"If Zimmerman had punched Martin in the face,knocked him to the ground,and was banging his head against the concrete Martin would have been perfectly justified in shooting him dead.Of course it was the other way around."

This is the kind of idiotic remark I have been getting on HuffPost for my complaints about the Zimmerman verdict. Nobody, but nobody, witnessed the confrontation, yet these gullible morons take as gospel everything the defense tells them. They are not the least bit interested in what we do know and have recorded proof of: That Zimmerman didn't stay in his car as instructed, that Rachel, while on the phone, heard Trayvon say, "What are you following me for?"and other actual evidence. No, they prefer to believe the lies Zimmerman tells them because they are racists, though they would deny it. They are rooting for what they consider the white man and have no pity for the victim. One has only to listen to the publicity hound juror who spoke out to realize how cemented closed  these minds are to realize there was no sense in any trial because all these bigots assumed that a black teen had to be a criminal. I can only hope that someday soon Zimmerman has his rainy night. 

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