Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Death in the rain.

I don't get this case. Apparently in the State of Florida you're allowed to follow someone for no reason,  confront them, engage in an argument and kill them. And then you can have a trial to prove that you're not an arrogant, aggressive, sociopathic thug. I don't even care if Trayvon hit George first. Why shouldn't he? He doesn't know if Zimmerman is a stalker, a pederast, a skinhead, or just someone who doesn't like blacks in his neighborhood. He may has thought he has to protect his life from a killer and apparently he did. And as far as who was crying for help, do you really think think it was  this swaggering, bullying adult with a holstered gun, who imagines himself a hero cleaning out the Old West? No way. The cry for help was from a frightened kid who was, for no apparently reason, followed by a 26 year old scary adult. Plus Zimmerman maintains they got into a scuffle. He maintains Trayon tried to take his holstered gun from him, though there is no finger proof proof of such an attempt  He also maintains that Trayvon used his hand to cover Zimmerman's bloody nose in order to suffocate him. I pose it is very easy to remove one noses from anyone's clutching hand. Of course, no surprise, there was no blood on Trayvon's hands. I suspect that with the few moments Zimmerman had alone after killing this kid, he punched his own nose and rubbed his own head on the sidewalk or grass just enugh to make it appear that there was a fight, which there wasn't, and knowing that was his only chance to beat this coldblooded murder rap, which he probably will.

The face above is what teenager Trayvon Martin saw approaching him on a rainy night when he was on his way home to his family. There was no reason for George Zimmerman to waylay him, to question him, to confront him, or to suspect him of anything. But instead of leaving Trayvon alone, the arrogant thug approached him, initiated an argument and shot him to death. A nightmare in itself, but now it is America's nightmare because so many people seem to feel that that this sociopath had every right to do what he did. 

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