Monday, July 8, 2013

Tipping the scales of justice.

Is the media rooting for George Zimmerman. The network carrying the trial and all the other majors seem to be excessively critical of the prosecution and full of praise for the defense. First of all, there is no defense for following an unarmed boy, causing an altercation and killing him. Zimmerman should be found guilty. But the news networks act like this is a perfectly legitimate trial, as if, of course, Trayvon should be scolded for defending himself and naturally it's his  own fault he got murdered. If he had only shown more respect and timidity to the pseudo-cop George Zimmerman he would be alive today. But George Stuffingenvelopes comments that the prosecution didn't do a great job and shakes his shrunken head while other newcasters echo this same unjust complaint seeming as supportive of George Zimmerman as his lying uncle, brother, father and mother. If this thug is set free the message to America's African-Americans is your teens have no right to be out walking in the evening scaring people with their hoodies and if they can't show the proper respect for even such an insignificant authority as a neighborhood watch volunteer, then they deserve to be killed. Maybe that's what the lazy media wants: riots and uprisings so they will have something to cover repetitively 24 hours a day and not have to deal with complicated and ever-changing world news.

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