Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dead, but still being kicked.

The latest news on the Trayvon Martin case seems to be that he hadn't bought iced tea as originally reported but Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail, a significant ingredient in a popular drug called Lean. The added suggestion is that he was high on Lean as he walked back to his father's girlfriend's apartment. Certain news sources, mostly ones I have never heard of like American Thinker and The Conservative Treehouse are reporting this latest news with a sense of glee suggesting that if Trayvon was using this stimulant called Lean, George Zimmerman probably had every right to kill him because he must have been an evil monster prowling the neighborhood. Since I have not see this information reported in any reputable news media, I am not sure it's actually true. And even if it were, it still doesn't justify Zimmerman suspecting someone because they are black, following them when they are told not to, initiating a confrontation and then unnecessarily shooting the suspected perp to death.

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