Thursday, August 11, 2016


Recently Donald Trump said to his manic fans that Obama is the founder of Isis, a comment that was met with wild applause. How do we know this? Because the media will report and repeat any foul comment, no matter how vile, that comes out of Donald's mouth. Is this reporting? Or is it propaganda? If you told your coworkers that your employer was a pedophile without any reason to believe this was so, shouldn't your coworkers avoid repeating this lie for fear of being fired or even arrested for slander? Why doesn't this apply to the media? They repeat these horrible fabrications without ever saying they are grossly false or pointing out how creepy was the accompanying applause. The networks just toss them into the ether with every news broadcast, and let them pile up as indictments that the gullible can gather and assume are true since the media never fully denies their absurdity. Oddly enough the comments that Hillary makes which are true are never aired or repeated nearly as much as Trump's maniacal accusations. Why is nobody bothered by this? If by some horrible twist of fate Trump becomes president, he will have the media to thank.

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