Monday, August 22, 2016


Psychiatrists call it projection. Simply put it's when one person projects their mental failings on another, accusing them of the problem that they themselves can't deal with.  In this case the projector is cross-dressing, pussy whipped, mentally disturbed Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Giuliani, whose sanity was widely questioned after his arm waving rant at the Republican convention asserts that online videos raise questions about Hillary Clinton's mental health. Clinton who delivers passionate speeches without Rudy's raving mannerisms, manages a schedule that only a truly healthy person could maintain, is—sorry Rudy—the picture of strength and normality  This is, of course, the newest ploy from the Donald Trump campaign. As most people know Mr. Trump trumped up a letter attesting to his perfect health and suggesting he would be the most fit president ever to take office. One finds that hard to believe about the florid, overweight, paranoiac, inconsistent candidate, whose only positive health sign is that he's slightly less deranged than his devoted toad, Rudolph Giuliani.


  1. Anybody who buys a seat on an airplane so that they have a place for his wife's purse has some serious mental health issues. Just sayin'.

  2. Yes, he's pretty ugly. And I understand that he does
    whatever his wife tells me to do.
