Sunday, August 7, 2016


Rubio, that irritating rash that never goes away, is out pushing his religion again. He said this week that he doesn't believe a pregnant woman infected with the Zika virus should have the right to an abortion, even if the child would be born with severe microcephaly. Or to phrase it differently, he believes that a family should be burdened with the care, worry, and expense of having a handicapped child even if it means that their own quality of life is completely undermined. And why should these people suffer? Because Rubio, who has been a Mormon, Southern Baptist, and Catholic can't escape from the superstitious bonds of religion and must obey the dictates of the imaginary man in the sky. This despite all the evidence that any possible man in the sky seems to find Rubio just as repulsive a hypocrite as I do.

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