Saturday, August 20, 2016


Last night CBS news opened with a report on the Ziki virus. This is news as it could affect the entire country and new cases in Miami Beach are very troubling. ABC opened with a report on the Olympic swimmers, which is not really news and has little effect on anyone's life. Both networks gave Trump lots of coverage, as usual. While CBS wisely considered his visit to the flood zone a photo op, CBS gave him points as a caring candidate, and happily iterated his attacks on Obama for not being there. Then there was a news story about a bus crash, which happened, according to the reporter at an innasection. That is the way that almost every well-paid reporter pronounces intersection, as well as hundreds of other words that contain an interior T. I didn't turn to NBC, but it's usually a carbon copy
of one of these networks. As I keep pointing out, broadcast news has become less and less professional and more and more slingshot coverage and entertainment trivia, interrupted constantly by about 13 minutes of commercials.

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