Saturday, August 27, 2016


Almost every night on the network news you will hear some report about an accident or traffic jam that took place on the innerstate highway or sometimes on the innastate highway, but never on the actual location, the interstate highway. For some reason diction is no longer a requirement for announcers. They seem to be completely unable to pronounce certain words correctly, mostly words with an interior t like interstate, Internet, interview, Atlantic and hundreds of others. Amazingly many of these announcers still get paid a fortune despite this handicap, which nobody seems to notice, David Muir of ABC News being the greatest offender. And while it's true that these words are also mispronounced by the general population, they are not paid for their oratory skills. But I have to accept that this doesn't seem to bother anyone but me. I wonder why. We have a great language. I think it's worth protecting.

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