Tuesday, August 2, 2016


My latest annoyance from Comcast, America's most hated company, is having to sign in every day. For years I turned on the computer, was connected to Comcast and got my e-mail. For some inexplicable reason I now have to sign in every morning. I could, of course, call them and demand an explanation. But that means raising my blood pressure to unacceptable levels while they misdirect my call, disconnect me, or-worse-connect me to someone in India who hasn't a clue how to advise me if I could understand anything they say. Why does the Federal Communications Commission allow this high degree of incompetence? Is it because they are incompetent, too?

Update: The following morning, I took a chance and called Comcast. After having to listen to a series of ads, a woman answered, sounded terrible concerned about my problem, and said she would connect me to someone who could help solve the situation. I waited on the phone for twelve minutes at which time I was disconnnected.

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