Tuesday, January 13, 2015

H as in hooey.

While this hooey applies to the Huffington Post with whom I have a love/hate relationship, it could also apply to other lazy mediums. One is that Jon Stewart and others are vilifying President Obama because he didn't go to the rally in Paris. Since he's the president and all these whiners are not, he just may know something they don't. But being so all-knowing it never occurs to them that Obama could have a good reason for not attending. Two, yet another article about the Westboro Baptist Church. This time how Christian rock singer Vicky Beeching sure showed them a thing or two. But since them is a small congregation of bigoted inbred morons, one wonders why the lazy news media give them so much welcome attention and recognition.  Three. HuffPost is all hot and bothered because Miley Cyrus, true to form, engaged in a "plethora of racy activities". Who are these writers at Huff that are so backward sexually that they are constantly salivating over stories of any female celebrity even mildly unclad?  All too often, HP appears far more prurient than relevant.  And finally, and funniest of all, Mitt Romney says he wants to make tackling poverty "a key issue" for his 2016 campaign. He might as well have a poster that says, "I PLAN TO PANDER" since any attempt to reach the people he despises can only be seen as pathetically insincere. I will guess that during the campaign, he won't show up at any banquets for the wealthy without vetting all the serving staff.

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