Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Another dodo heard from.

It seems that Mitt Romney has an adviser that's nearly as delusional as Willard himself. The moron referred to on January 13, Richard Williamson. Among his latest crackpot comments is that if Romney had become president there wouldn't be an Isis and Putin would know his place.  Of course he doesn't say why that would be because he's too busy trying to blame Obama for all the ills of the world. He obviously has forgotten  that George W. Bush and his girlfriend Dick Cheney put on their bonnets one day and skipped into the sunshine to sow the seeds of war and destruction and were rewarded with an bountiful crop of world miseries. Like most Republicans Weber refers to the death of an American ambassador in a manner that suggests that Obama himself was the killer. We treat these people and these accusations as if they are merely straws in the wind. But people like Richard Williamson are dangerous propagandists and should be regarded as such.

1 comment:

  1. They need to be called out on these silly remarks, but alas, they rarely are. For example, Paul Krugman and others are diligent about pointing out that the economy is doing well. But why don't they ask Willard and the other Republicans: "So, if you guys were in charge instead of Obama, how many jobs would YOU be creating per reporting period? Half a million?" Of course, never in the history of the US has job creation proceeded at such a pace. But the gops need to be pinned down to specifics. Perhaps reporters just aren't smart enough to do that.
