Saturday, January 24, 2015

A platform of hate.

All right, I'm a Democrat. A dyed-in-the-wool Democrat as the cliche goes. But, come on, let's face it, the Republicans are mostly an evil, money-grubbing group of well-dressed thugs without pity, empathy, or any kind of humanity. I mean what creates a human turd like Steve King (R. Iowa) that makes him so eager to destroy the lives and happiness of undocumented immigrants? What does he care?  Why does someone like Romney need money, more money, and still more money and then look down on those who don't have any?  Why is Paul Ryan so eager to remove whatever benefits poor and middle class people need to get along? Why? Because they're all nuts! Not just mean, not just selfish—they're nuts. They're negative little trolls, gremlins if you will, giggling their way through one roadblock after another, clinging only to those who are wealthier than them and who go to their approved churches. The coming election isn't Democrat against Republican, it's a battle between those who care about the future and the mentally and morally ill GOP.

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