Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Another racist from Texas.

It's seems that ultra-conservative and uber-moron Rep. Randy Weber compared President Obama to Adolf Hitler for not traveling to Paris on Sunday. In one of the most ignorant tweets of our time, he
wrote, "Even Adolph Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris." Forget the fact that this moron misspelled Adolf, but is he so bloody ignorant that he thinks Hitler went to Paris to attend the Folies Bergere? But he is only the latest member of the GOP to vomit out this totally illogical comparison. When are these history-challenged right wingers going to realize that nobody but nobody should be compared to Hitler, least of all an intelligent peace-loving president? Are they not aware that Hitler was a cruel and hateful dictator who was responsible for the deaths of millions, a villain unequalled in our time? No, of course not. Because Republicans are so petty, so racist, and so small-minded they leap for any vicious insult whether it's applicable or not. The GOP seems to be very slow to learn any lessons in etiquette, diplomacy, or truth. But one thing they must get over, one of their most childish, spiteful, and vindictive habits is comparing anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone to Adolph Hitler.  Randy Weber, you are an racist and an asshole.

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