Thursday, October 3, 2013

A bad taste of Tinseltown.

Years ago when we moved to Los Angeles, my partner got a talent agent at the prestigious Artists Agency with his very first screenplay. This is an amazing achievement. As excited as the agent was about the first screenplay, he became even more enthusiastic about the second one and quickly got two film offers. Naturally we thought this meant imminent success, especially since the agent sent my partner around to several famous producers who had heard about his unique writing skills. In the meantime we were living on savings. Sadly nothing came of either offer because the agent was incompetent and soon screwed up all our opportunities for success. Since we were running out of money, we had to abandon dreams of Hollywood and move back to Miami. Today, we have a wealth of excellent screenplays and stage plays, but are unable to find an agent to even read them. For some reason talent agencies are the most tight-assed and neurotic of companies. They are terrified to even receive unrequested letters. I just placed a call to a Hollywood agency hoping to at least speak to someone. The young lady on the phone could not have sounded more terrified of hearing from me again than if I told her I was the Beverly Hills strangler. Why am I writing this?  Just to point out that all over American there are very talented writers, like my partner, who cannot even get a foot in the door because they don't have the right friends or connections. Which is one of the reasons so much of our entertainment today is committee-written crap.

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