Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Riding God's gravy train.

I don't question that there are a lot of sincere Christians in America. But none of them are riding God's gravy train and raking in millions of dollars on the religious beliefs of all those who buy all this biblical nonsense. Every televangelist is a fraud  including  the much revered Billy Graham, probably the biggest charlatan of all. The most annoying fact about those who call themselves Christians is that they seem to have so little understanding of the book they love to quote. Like lemmings they show up at megachurches to give their hard-earned money to these flim-flam men and women. Jesus would have been appalled by anyone being chauffeured in a limousine while children are starving. He would have been sickened by ministers in thousand-dollar suits while the nation has so many homeless shelters. The obviously anti-Christ philosophies of these con artists seem to totally elude millions of the so-called faithful who tune into faith-based tv shows, shell out tons of money for bullshit books, and applaud wildly for the pious patricians who mostly pay lip service to those in need. I know I repeat this theme frequently. That's because it is so unbelievably obscene.

Note: How can anyone even look at Joel Osteen (above) without realizing this phony doesn't possess an an ounce of sincerity?  He's a megalomaniac who basks in the adoration of the ignorant. To him religion is a business, his worshippers are suckers, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out he's an atheist. However, being an atheist, that wouldn't please me. Sadly he's just one of the many, many, grifters who have realized how profitable religion can be.

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