Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A vessel of vitriol.

One of the things that offends me the most is that the lazy and ignorant media are so willing to promote and quote persons who are obviously insane. A perfect example is Ted Nugent. This 65-year-old loon from Detroit had a successful career early in life. Then he lost his mind. Now he is filled with anger and hate, notably against President Obama who, for some reason, he has developed a major and paranoid animosity. We can only assume it is for the same reason most Republicans hate Obama: because he is black. That's all irrelevant. The point is that Ted Nugent is mentally disturbed. While he claims to be a very religious person, he is in fact violently anti-Christian and bigoted. That's a problem he and the people who still care about him have to deal with. But he is not a voice of reason and the media should stop quoting and featuring him on news items,  just as they should eschew the many other nutcases in our country who add nothing to the discussion except vitriol, which does nobody any good. And while Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin aren't exactly insane, they are, like Nugent, only interested in attacking our president and creating chaos. Why can't the media focus on persons who actually have something to offer? whatever their politics. I don't see how shining the spotlight on nutcases is of any value while persons with actual ideas are left in the shadows.

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