Wednesday, October 2, 2013

You'll see what a good idea this is.

This week I lost a relatively new pair of prescription sunglasses. I have no idea how I could have done that, but I'm pretty sure they're gone forever. Even if some thoughtful person found them, how would they now how to return them? Which got me thinking. There was a time when prescription glasses were sanely priced. Then, like most products,the merchants of greed realize they could demand more and get it. So now glasses cost anywhere from $300 to $700 on average. Of course, some companies advertise two pairs for under $100, or some other appealing figure. Yeah, right! But once you're in their web, they ask would you like them to be unbreakable? have thin lenses? be tinted? have that fabulous new optic process? not look like crap? etc. And voila! You've spent a fortune. So my question is this: Why don't optical companies engrave your telephone number into the ear piece (also called "arm" or "temple") you know, right next to the Calvin Klein or Oakley label. Then when you misplace this major investment, you just might just get it back. Of course, if this idea does catch on, expect them to charge you an extra $75.00 for the 5-minute service.

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