Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I know how Sysyphus felt.

My doctor recently lowered my blood-pressured medicine. But he didn't know that I would be dealing with Comcast, the world's most incompetent company. I lost my e-mail service three days ago for no apparent reason. Since then I have called Comcast at least 15 times with no success, but lots and lots of repeated questions, and transfers.  and hang-ups, and disconnects. Today I tried again. I spoke with a "technician" in the Philippines for 20 minutes. She assured me she could fix the problem. When she couldn't she transferred me to Daniel in who knows where. He asked me the same maddening questions for 15 minutes and charged me $49.95 to fix the problem, or at least connect me to someone who could. That  turned out to be Michael, a charming chap in Phoenix who said we would only be on the phone a short time. 45 minutes later, he assured me the situation was fixed and it appeared to be, though he was not able to restore to me the more than 15 e-mails I know I received during the outage. We hung up with the sense that all was well, and after all, I had his direct number if anything went wrong. And it did. When I went back to write some e-mails, I found that now, not only couldn't I receive them, I couldn't send them either. And, golly, the direct e-mail he gave me was Comcast's regular pain-in-the-ass number. So now I have no e-mail service, cannot retrieve the important e-mails that are lost in the ether and am paying $49.95 for nothing and cannot get a credit without once again going through the call and wait, and wait, and wait of Comcast service.

Note: For a crime against the gods, Sysyphus was condemned to an eternity of frustrating labor. His punishment was to roll a great boulder to the top of a hill. Then after the greatest of exertion and toil, he would attain the summit only to have the boulder roll to the bottom again.  Sounds difficult, but it was nothing compared to dealing with Comcast.

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