Friday, October 4, 2013

Ah, the poisons we purchase!

Lately I've wasted a lot of money on chemical products. Why wasted?  Because when it comes time to using them, I can't do it. I realize that everything they sell us today is one form of poison or another. Do not ingest. Avoid contact with eyes. Harmful if swallowed. Make sure the room is properly ventilated.  Call your doctor if vomiting occurs. It's insane the risks we take for a cleaner, shinier, insect-free home. The dangers may not be all that great for me, but I have cats and have had dogs. Keep out or reach of pets. They could cross the floor, pick up poison, lick their paws. Well, you see the problem. Of course none of these companies much care what damage they do to consumers. The sale is the thing. So underneath my sink are full containers of  furniture polish, floor cleaner, brass polish, glues, cements, mucilages, and insect repellents—all deadly. Why do I keep them? To remind myself how stupid I was to buy them in the first place.

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