Monday, October 14, 2013

And there you have it.

So many Republicans are very sad people. They can't debate or engage in intelligent conversation. They can't admit why they are so angry. They can only attack and create absurd scenarios. They can only toss around hollow epithets like Nazi and Socialist and Communist. Ask them for a definition of any one of those terms and they are lost. Their hatred of Obama consumes them without any justification other than he's half black. From the beginning these sad little trolls felt that using the name Barry was somehow ammunition. What silly twits. Then of course, there was the birther nonsense. When that failed, they went back to the playground to devise some other bullying tactic. They decided they could punish Obama by punishing the country. Which is what they are doing right now. That's how uncontrollable their bigotry is. One of my neighbors is a perfect example of these idiots, a woman so stupid she commented to another neighbor who just got a haircut, "You were beginning to look like Michelle Obama". Of course even before the haircut he looked nothing like Michelle Obama, but this harridan is so filled with hatred that she can't even stop herself from making nasty non-sequiturs. Like I say, sad people.

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