Sunday, October 27, 2013

Genuine fox of fake?

Do people who work at Fox know they're pushing fact-free propaganda? Are they intelligent and well-educated people who couldn't get jobs with legitimate networks and had to take work at Fox and thus had to toe the party line or lose their jobs? Or are they morons who willingly sought out work with this absurd network and believe all the crap they're shoveling every day? It's an interesting question. But what's the answer? When you look at the three people above, it is easy to believe they are as brain dead as they seem. It would be hard to fake that kind of vacuity. Though I suppose it's possible. Or is it? Can one actually fake the kind of shit-eating grin that's so often on Steve Doocy's face. When Fox employees get together for a drink, do they roar with laughter at the kind of nonsense they spewed that day? Or do they bemoan they fact that the learned part of America doesn't accept them as legitimate news persons when they feel they are? Do they really admire charlatans like Ted Cruz and Michele Bachmann or are they are repulsed as the rest of us? One wonders.

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