Sunday, October 6, 2019


Sorry almost everybody. I know you like Saturday Night Live, but I think it's about the weakest comedy on television. Nobody looks like the person they are supposed to be. Nobody sounds like the person they're supposed to be. Even Alec Baldwin doesn't come across as Trump. The only brilliant take-off I've ever seen (and I admit I rarely watch this awful show) is Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh. The worst thing about this show is that the producers don't understand the major rule of comedy. You can't satirize that which is satire to begin with. Trump, and Pence, and all the White House clowns are ridiculous enough as it is. Doing skits of them doesn't make them more absurd. I suggest the producers and the cast spend a few days watching such British comedy shows as The Big Train, French and Saunders, Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry, Little Britain, Monty Python, etc.

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