Saturday, October 19, 2019


Somebody taught me an expression a long time ago that I use frequently and so do many off my friends.The expression is "The cheaps".  The cheaps is a a sense of embarrassment or discomfort that you can feel for yourself or anyone else. It's not your ordinary sense of embarrassment at ordinary gaffes or goofs. It's more personal, most people may not even know you're feeling it. If you had a child who insisted on singing at a gathering and couldn't sing, you would feel the cheaps. Just watching Trump tell lie after lie doesn't give most people the cheaps, but seeing your Republican senator cover up for him does. Being asked to lend money usually gives both the borrower and lender the cheaps. If a friend comes to you because he has a new job, and tries to sell you something, that's the cheaps. The cheaps happens often. There's group cheaps, and self cheaps, and even cheaps when you're completely alone, which is one of the worst. A person who tries to be funny and just isn't is a constant source of the cheaps. A frequent comment among my friends when asked, "What did you think of Jerry Lewis?" would be, "He always gave me the cheaps."

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