Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Today I made my last trip to a movie theatre. At least to one of these chain multiplexes. Not only am I annoyed that the price has risen to over $10.00 and that the smallest popcorn costs $8.50, but I have other gripes. For one the AMC theaters and others require you to choose your seat, which is then assigned to you. How absurd. Gone are the days of walking into a theater and sitting in any vacant seat where you damn well choose. Our seats had ripped upholstery and were much closer to the screen than they were shown on the diagram. So we moved since there were only eight other customers. But of those eight, you can bet that at least three were constantly checking their e-mails, thus lighting up their reserved-seating areas. Surprisingly no one was talking, which is unusual. We arrived when they said the feature began, which meant sitting through six minutes of commercials and 20 minutes of coming attractions (now called trailers, though they're at the beginning). I wondered why I was even there, since the theater was hot, the sound was much too loud, and the film
itself (Judy) like most films today was not really worth the effort, despite Renee's performance. But that's for anther blog.

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