Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why not try a sex change?

Here's an interesting way to watch the endless commercials that bombard us on almost every channel we watch (Didn't we pay for TV to avoid commercials?). In advertisements that feature a man and a woman, see how they play if you reverse the sexes. It may surprise you. For instance, there is a commercial for a weed killer (Scotts?) in which the wife ridicules the husband for burning the grass along with the weeds. If it were the other way around, he would seem abusive and she would be on her way to a shelter. A past commercial I recall had a pretty girl flirting with a man in a bar. Once he buys her a beer, she gleefully abandons him and gives it to her boyfriend. Switch that around and the guy would come across as a real bastard doing the same thing to a trusting girl. Once you start looking at commercials this way you will see that the sexes are not equal at all.

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