Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hey, give me a brewsky!

The advertisers who seem to have the most contempt for their customers (and men in general) are beer companies. Many beer commercials seem to position men as sex-starved, breast-obsessed, juvenile, socially challenged, shallow and very fond of playing stupid pranks on, or ridiculing, each other. This seems to be true across the board with a few exceptions like Samuel Adams and Corona. I always wondered why so many brewers portray their customers as no more mature than 12-year olds. I think I know the answer: They are trying to reach 12-year olds. These commercials are talking over the shoulder of the customers they already have to the upcoming beer guzzlers of America. You know the kids who are sex-starved, breast-obsessed, juvenile, socially challenged, shallow and very fond of playing stupid pranks on, or ridiculing, each other.

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