Friday, December 11, 2020


 Surely most of the 206 Republicans who are backing Trump's Supreme Court suit to overthrow the election of Joe Biden are married. I cannot believe that all these wives support their husbands in this insane suit. I cannot believe that these wives if they are mothers are eager for their children to grow up in dictatorship when they have themselves enjoyed all the freedoms of a democracy. One can only assume that these 106 supporters are lying to Trump, knowing this is a lost cause, and don't think they are destroying their credibility with their obsequious action. What they are doing instead is hammering another 106 nails into the GOP coffin, proving that the party is dead or barely alive with hardly a breath  of credibility. Whether these wives are, like their husbands, ardent Republicans or not, it is unlikely that they are admirers of our lazy, philandering, mendacious, heartless imitation of a human being President. Their husbands make the mistake of believing that the 70 million Americans who voted for Trump are  fixed. unchangeable and gullible enough to admire them because they defended Trump. Maybe instead Trump's poor sport behavior and willingness to destroy America has shown millions of former fans how  essentially weak he is. Especially now while they are dealing with the Coronavirus that is of no interest to Trump. So his 106 GOP dogs may be barking up the wrong tree. I wonder: when they decided to join this asinine lawsuit, did they consult their wives?

P.S. Ted Cruz has volunteered to argue Trump's case before the Supreme Court. I wonder how one of the few wives I do know about, Heidi Cruz, feels about that, after being publicly insulted by Trump.

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