Friday, December 25, 2020


It's insane enough that 26 Republicans signed on to Trump's Texas lawsuit to try to overturn the Biden-won election in Trump's favor. But consider this. The were willing to try to reinstate the worst president ever, a lazy slob of a man who didn't do his job, spent more time cheating at golf, and bitching about everything and everyone. What was in it for them? Fear of Trump's sway with America's most ignorant citizens? Fear of Trump himself, a 280 pound bleached blond with pancake makeup. Or some insane reason we know nothing about? What? Anyway it failed and Trump came out a fool and so did these 26 turncoats. But the mystery remains. Why did they do it in the first place? They can't be blind to the moron's incompetence. They can't be deaf to Trump's illiteracy and illogic. I can only assume Trump has something over them we know nothing about, and may never know.

Lemmings don't actually commit mass suicide, but apparently rodential Republicans do.

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