Sunday, December 20, 2020


I  keep saying that everyone should read The Rude Pundit's incredibly vulgar and brilliantly trenchant blog. But since half the country are morons, not enough do and if they did they wouldn't understand it. . But today's entries were particularly insightful and scary, blasting the MAGAs for the brainless reactors they are. And while everything the Pundit wrote is worth reading, the following stood out to me and I include it here. Fortunately most Americans are sane believers in freedom and democracy, and those are the patriots who will appreciate this. 

I haven't used the term "protester" because what are they protesting? You can chant "Lock her up" as much as you want at Hillary Clinton. But there's nothing to lock her up for. You can scream that the election is stolen, but it wasn't. They're not protesting, which is a response to an actual injustice that asks for redress. No, they're insisting that reality conform to their perverse view of it. And they're armed with fucking guns. That's some ISIS shit right there. They're fucking terrorists. 

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