Sunday, December 13, 2020


What's amazing to me is that all these Trump fans grew up in America. They were free all their lives. They  could work where they wanted, travel where they wanted, be friends with whom they wanted. They had parks, movie theaters, grocery stores, sports stadiums, stores of every kind. They were free to dress as they liked, live where they liked and no authorities dictated any regulations based on their religion or friends or forbid them to be anywhere after dark. As a people they were horrified about the Nazi regime. Offended by the idea of communism. And couldn't conceive of being dragged from their home at night and tortured or murdered. They said they hated socialism, but liked free school for their children, free libraries, and many other perks of a free society. So why all of a sudden did they embrace a man so obviously egocentric. A man who often made comments to suggest his low opinion of the poor and middle class, who called the crowds at his rallies disgusting.  A man who succumbed to all the vices they felt were wrong:  lying, stealing, grifting, being a poor sport, cheating on your spouse. A man who so clearly hates women, which many of his devotees are. These are Americans. They grew up in a free country. They want their children to be free. So why are they so devoted to a man who wants to be a dictator, a king, a man who has shown he feels no devotion to them and now only wants what little money they can spend to show how much they honor him? Why?

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