Tuesday, December 15, 2020


I find it fascinating that many of you actually believe the election was stolen from Trump. I appreciate that you like Trump, and for some reason you believe he accomplished goals during his term. You don't object to his lack or morality, his waste of taxpayer money, and his endless lies. I seriously admire your loyalty. But consider this. Most people find Trump an obnoxious braggart, hate being lied to, and really hate having a president spending far more time playing golf than tending to their needs and protecting their interests. We, the majority, find it loathsome that he gave his unqualified relatives important positions in government and security clearances they didn't merit. Then of course there is the Coronavirus, which he ignored, causing the deaths of many thousands. So while you find him lovable and intelligent, most people find him despicable. So why would you think that most people voted for him? You do know this election brought out more voters than any other in history? And that's because Trump is so hated that most Americans decided to vote hell or high water to get rid of him, which we did. Knowing him and liking him as you do, you should not be surprised that he lied to you about having the election stolen. Because as a civilian, he is subject to punishment for any number of crimes, including assaults on women and cheating on his taxes. This terrifies him and it should. He'd say anything to have the protection of the presidency for another four years. And what he said was the election was stolen. Now you know it wasn't. So while Trump has a rough road ahead, you will have a new president who doesn't resent your loyalty to Trump and will work as hard for you as for the millions of Americans who, without question, elected Joe Biden.

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