Saturday, December 12, 2020


 Trump is stupid, but he's not that stupid. So when he says, "We have not yet begun to fight" after losing endless court cases, including being rejected by the Supreme Court, he's lying, as usual. He doesn't intend to fight the election any more. But he wants his gullible, ignorant fans to think so and send him money so he can pocket millions for other lawsuits, like assaulting women, cheating on taxes, and skipping out on bills. And being adoring dopes, these poor and middle-class Trumpists will send $10 or $15 to this proclaimed billionaire. (Why anyone who says he has multiples of a thousand million dollars needs these donations is beyond me.) So while his fans are dealing with coronavirus, struggling to buy food, pay the rent and utilities, and keep their heads above water, Trump will be swimming in money, his voters' money. It's the same kind of scam that leading evangelists pull off, but without any promise of salvation. So if you're a Trump fan, you can take pride in going without so that Donald never has to deny himself anything. Suckers.

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