Wednesday, December 30, 2020


As a lifelong opponent of nuclear energy, I got a lot of satisfaction of rewatching The China Syndrome today, and could easily believe all the corporate corruption it suggested. After all they still tell us nuclear power is safe, despite that since that fictional 1979 film we've had Three Mile Island in 1979, Chernobyl in 1986, and Fukushima in 2011. And there are sure to be more, and worse. Still as entertainment, it works. Even though many in the cast, including Michael Douglas, were unable to pronounce nuclear. (I once wrote to the head of the nuclear energy department that he kept saying 'nucular' and he called me, pissed at my criticism.) How good can a product be that can give you cancer and has a toxicity that can last a thousand years? On the other hand, some people are getting rich, and isn't that all that counts?

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