Friday, December 11, 2020


You probably don't get my blog. That's a pity. Because I have frequently warned you, and your even dumber brother, to not attempt twitters or any kind of publicity. It always backfires. You have a history of dumb comments, which you thought were smart. And now here you are with everyone laughing at you because you couldn't spell radical. It's a word that is used in newspapers every day. But you probably never read  a newspaper. Still, I'll bet it's been used in Captain Marvel comics. Anyway, consider this: Any lack of education you evince reflects on your father, who has his own struggles with English. (He has never correctly used the word "badly.") Did you really attend quality schools? One would never guess it. And no one believes you wrote a book. Anyway, try to hold off until after Inauguration Day, when your whole crime family will be irrelevant, and you can behave as "radicle" as you like.

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