Thursday, December 31, 2020


It occurred to me today that the younger members of Congress are like Hollywood starlets. They'll do anything to make a name for themselves. Which explains why they're always sucking up to Trump, in essence the studio head.  Let's face it, most of them are bitchy, snobby, egotistical and oh, so insular. They never admit they're wrong and couldn't care less about their audience back home. Take wacky Tomi Cotton, she's forever trying some new scheme to get attention, like writing to a foreign dictator, which got her nowhere, or dreaming up some conspiracy theory that will make her a star. They're all Nasty Nellies, I tell you, B players running on negative energy. You know,, like bosom buddies Jamie Jordan and Mattie Gaetz. They're thick as thieves and always giggling like school girls while they sabotage some worthwhile democratic plan. And whatever happened to tattletale Divine Nunes? She had a major role once, but you never hear about her any more?  No matter. Anyway, right now the most outrageous is Holly Hawley. That Missouri bitch plans to sabotage the counting of the electoral college votes because for some weird reason, she wants Trump in office, or at least she acts like she does to win over the old man. Go figure. Of course it's doomed to failure, but Holly doesn't care as long as she sees her name in print and gets to play a leading role in the next big DC production. You'd think someone would keep an eye on these vicious little vixens, but the Marie Dressler of the Senate, Mitzi McConnell, doesn't seem to think of their lack of patriotism as anything but a a little harmless drama.

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