Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Trump was looking for a way to punish America for rejecting him, and he found it. I'm not referring to his unleashing a pack of fellow gangsters, including murderers, on society with his ill-conceived pardons. No, I mean his rejection of the stimulus bill. He appears to want bigger checks for Americans, but in making such an uncharacteristic demand, he his postponing  the money they need now. Why wasn't he paying attention to the stimulus bill during its long and painful journey to the floor? Another example of the kind of lazy, endless incompetency that led to his demise. If he's sincere about giving  every American a $2,000 check ($4,000 for couples) that should wreak havoc on our economy, which will delight him.  Imagine the wrangling and postponing this will take, and how much joy that will bring to this sick degenerate. In the meantime most Americans will see right through this faux-generosity, but his always gullible fans will totally believe it's an expression of Trump's nonexistent kindness.

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