Friday, March 13, 2015

Is this a test lab?

I detest the expression "experimenting with drugs." What the hell does that mean? Are initial drug users just doing some kind of intellectual and scientific experiment to see how addictive chemicals affect their particular body chemisty? Of course not. No teenager or adult is experimenting with drugs. They are taking drugs or using drugs. And once you say, "Sure. Why not give it a try?" more often than not, it's all over for you. Remember that when you go home that night or that afternoon. Because chances are you're on your way to being a drug addict and screwing up your life forever. And once you're hooked—unless you're wealthy like so many pro-drug celebrities—you'll soon be stealing money from friends' and relatives' wallets and selling stolen items or items you've treasured all your life. And when that happens and you're a complete loser, people who used to like you will say,"So sad. It all started when he started experimenting with drugs."

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