Friday, March 13, 2015

Another harridan from the Megyn machine

The Fox world of arid blondes grinds away with fallacies, fantasies, falsehoods, fables and icky feelings. So it's not surprising that Republican bimbo Dana Perino thinks Democrats are jerks. What would you expect from the woman who so lovingly and deeply kissed Bush's ass during her stint as White House Press Secretary? And in her muddled mind  why are Democrats jerks? Because they believe in abortion and she doesn't, at least not publicly as a shill for Fox News. It seems that the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which passed unanimously in the House last month is being blocked in the Senate because it contains an anti-abortion provision. Also she seems to only care about victims if they're not victims of poverty, voter discrimination, or polluted air and water.  Apparently the ever-partisan Perino can only see blocking Acts if it is related to a Republican issue, and then nothing is verboten. But the ethics of Democrats can only be viewed as the behavior of jerks. That's the trouble with spokesmodels. They are chosen for their looks and, in Fox's case, their de rigeur blonde hair, and never for their wobbly I.Q.s.

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