Friday, March 6, 2015

HuffPost guesses wrong.

HuffPost has outdone itself with one of the stupidest headlines this or any year: "Alex Trebeck stumps contestants with Jeopardy Question Most Gay Men Could Easily Answer" How ignorant can they be? This is the age cold, outdated stereotype that all gay men are the same person, with the same super gay interests including cross-dressing, Barbara Streisand, gay pride parades, etc. Gay men are just like straight men. Completely varied, unrecognizable, fat, thin, weak, strong, black, white, nice, nasty, everything straight men are. And guess what? Millions of them never heard of RuPaul and couldn't answer the question that HuffPost is so convinced all gay men would have on the tip of their lisping tongues.  Sometimes pro-gay straights are far more insulting than the homophobic bigots.

Note: I just learned that Alex Trebeck is a Fox News fan which means that if it's true he has not slipped in my estimation, he has landslided, avalanched, plummeted. Some articles confirm it, others suggest that he is an independent and a believer in climate change, equal pay for women, and gay rights. But is that true or just publicity to hold on to viewers like me? He definitely supports Republican causes. So the question remains, or is it the answer.

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