Friday, January 3, 2014

Another pack of you know what.

This video, which is an advertisement (something you might not know because advertisement is written in such small type)  is a doomsday prediction by an convicted scam artist called Porter Stansberry. In his video he predicts a complete collapse of our country's finances and insists he cares about you and wants you to be prepared for the coming horrors. But basically it's just another racist tract by some bigot jealous of Barack Obama and eager to blame him for everything that is wrong in the world, if not the universe. The sad thing is while Porter's trying to sound so knowledgeable and admired, he is nothing but transparent and pathetic. Particularly amusing is the opening which refers to Stansberry as, "a wealthy Maryland journalist (who's neither a Democrat or Republican)..." You know, like the Koch Brothers are neither Democrats nor Republicans. There are a lot of dangerously demented people out there.

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