Thursday, January 30, 2014

A word to the wise about winter.

If you read my blog regularly (does anybody?) you will know how fussy I am about pronunciation. Not necessarily from the average person (though any enunciation is nice) but certainly from the myriad announcers, reporters, weather persons and anyone in the broadcast media.  I mean they're paid well, and words are their business. I don't see why we can't expect them to speak clearly and pronounce words they way they should be pronounced. So now that we are at the end of January and the Sochi Olympics are about to begin, I really wish I didn't hear so many broadcast personalities speaking of the "winnah"games.  The weatherman talks about "winnah" storms.  News reporters tell us, "It's been a rough winnah." Is it really so difficult to say winter? Trust me, it actually sounds better than winnah, and you won't confuse it with the winnah winnahs at the winnah Olympics. One more thing, Diane Sawyer, the word is "wintry" not the three-syllable "win-ter-y" you seem to prefer.

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